A very rare dynastic light miliarense of Constantine II
Los 2769
Constantine II, as Caesar, 316-337. Light Miliarense (Silver, 23 mm, 3.27 g, 6 h), Sirmium, 323-324. D N CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB CAES Laureate and cuirassed bust of Constantinus II to right. Rev. FELICITAS ROMANORVM / SIRM Distyle aedicula; within, Constantine I standing facing, head to left, between Constantine II, on the left, and Crispus, on the right, each in military attire, holding long scepter in his right hand and globe in his left. Gnecchi -. Ramskold & Gautier, p. 43, no. 13 (this coin). RIC -. RSC -. Very rare and attractively toned. Edge broken and glued at 9 o'clock, otherwise, nearly extremely fine.

From the collection of Dr. L. Ramskold, ex Münzen & Medaillen GmbH 45, 9 June 2017, 119 and Grün 50, 10 November 2008, 220.

Ramskold & Gautier (2017) showed that the 'FELICITAS ROMANORVM' type was struck in three separate emissions. On the reverse, the first series - to which this example belongs - showed two princes (Crispus and Constantine II Caesar), followed by a series with three princes (Constantius II added), and finally again two princes (without Crispus).
250 CHF
3400 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 13-Mar-23, 17:46:30 CET
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